Monday, February 21, 2011


This course has taught me a great deal about integrating technology into the content areas. As I reflect on the past eight weeks, I know that I have grown professionally, because I have achieving the goals of my GAME plan. I have a new appreciation for technology and finding ways to integrate it into my daily lessons. I realize that my learning community craves the use of technology, and if I am doing my part to meet their needs, and prepare them for the workplace, then it is imperative that I incorporate it into my lesson plans.

Throughout this course I learned the importance of Problem-based learning, social networking and online collaboration, and digital storytelling and how motivating and rewarding these types of learning activities can be. Engaging my students in these types of lessons, allows them to seek answers to their questions from professionals, and other teachers around the globe. These types of experiences are authentic and meaningful and what my students need in order for them to achieve mastery of the content area objectives.

I plan to continue on my quest to achieve my GAME plan goals by collaborating with my colleagues, and continuing to read and research to find unique methodologies for technology integration. Furthermore, I plan to share the new knowledged that I have gained throughout this course with my colleagues at my school, so that they may benefit and be motivated to integrate technology into their lessons too. Finally, I plan to reflect and record my thoughts in a personal learning log as I continue to strive towards achieving my goals.

Thank you Dr. Xu for giving me the guidance that I needed to grow professionally throughout this course.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

GAME plan for Students

The GAME plan process is an excellent way to prepare my students in becoming proficient in the National Education Standards for Students. This process focuses on the goals that I have for my learners, the action that they will take to achieve the goals, and how I will monitor and evaluate their progress.

Goals- I will hold students accountable of the learning goals by stating the learning objectives and requiring students to be able to articulate those goals to me. This will make them responsible for their learning.

Action- Students will be engaged in technology rich lessons to motivate them to achieve their learning goals. They will utilize all types of technology such as wikis, blogs, podcasts, and digital storytelling software to ensure that they are highly engaged.

Monitor- I will constantly provide my students will the guidance that they need, and offer rubrics for them to aide them in achieving the learning goals set forth at the beginning of each lesson. I will have conversations with them about what they are learning to ensure content mastery.

Evaluate- Evaluation is important for everyone involved in the lesson. I will educate my students on how to reflect on their learning, and advise them to utilize their peers and other teachers to help them achieve their goals. I will have them use learning journals to write their reflections in class.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 6: Evaluating my GAME plan

I am still on my way to achieving my GAME plan goals. Everyday, I am learning new ways to incorporate technology into my lesson plans. This weeks learning resources provided me with many useful social networking sites, as well as other technologies, and shared examples of how I could use them. I am currently working on a Wiki with my colleagues, and this is a great way for me to collaborate with other professionals to develop the best possible lessons for my students.

I did experience one problem last week when I was trying to complete my PBL lesson. I had difficulty getting the chart to complete the lesson on the wiki. One of my cells on the lesson plan still needs to be complete, and I still can't figure out the formating. So, anyone that reads this post this week, if you can edit my chart, or tell me how to do so, I would greatly appreciate it! I am finding how useful this collaborative learning community can be, and am learning a great deal.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 5: Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

In my opinion, I am on track to achieving my GAME plan goals. I have been effective in managing my time and reading and researching to find information to use with my learning community. Last week, I had my creative writing classes utilize their mobile devices to do a freewrite writing activity. I asked to student to take out their devices and select a picture. Once they selected their picture, I told them to brainstorm a list of details about that picture. After that, I gave them 15 minutes to share the details of the picture that they selected. I did have to make adjustments for students who didn't have a mobile device such as a cellphone, or an ipod. For those students I gave them a picture card instead. After I did that, I realized that I probably should have simply found a picture with my laptop and used my LCD projector to share with the students. That way, I would still be using technology. I guess I can do that next time. I realize that this lesson is pretty basic, but, I have several students that are reluctant to write, and it was motivating to them to be able to use their devices. I discovered after doing this that they were very surprised, and happy at the same time.

I am learning each and every day new ways to implement technology into my lesson plans. It is definitely a work in progress, but I feel as if I am progressing nicely. I reflect a great deal after I try using a new technology on ways that I could make the lesson even better the next time. I am looking forward to collaborating with my colleagues this week on the wiki sharing ideas and gaining insights.