Wednesday, February 16, 2011

GAME plan for Students

The GAME plan process is an excellent way to prepare my students in becoming proficient in the National Education Standards for Students. This process focuses on the goals that I have for my learners, the action that they will take to achieve the goals, and how I will monitor and evaluate their progress.

Goals- I will hold students accountable of the learning goals by stating the learning objectives and requiring students to be able to articulate those goals to me. This will make them responsible for their learning.

Action- Students will be engaged in technology rich lessons to motivate them to achieve their learning goals. They will utilize all types of technology such as wikis, blogs, podcasts, and digital storytelling software to ensure that they are highly engaged.

Monitor- I will constantly provide my students will the guidance that they need, and offer rubrics for them to aide them in achieving the learning goals set forth at the beginning of each lesson. I will have conversations with them about what they are learning to ensure content mastery.

Evaluate- Evaluation is important for everyone involved in the lesson. I will educate my students on how to reflect on their learning, and advise them to utilize their peers and other teachers to help them achieve their goals. I will have them use learning journals to write their reflections in class.


  1. Hi Stacy,
    Nice layout on your blog by the way! :)
    I truly believe the importance of being a responsible learner. That is the first step towards becoming a self-directed learner.
    Yes having students accountable for their learning is a must, otherwise they'll be simply reproducing what the teachers fed them without digesting and thinking it through. I think learning and knowledge take place when students personalize the knowledge they received and turned it into their own. Any other ways will just be a reproduction of the same facts which has no value to the students!
    Thanks for sharing and good luck in your endeavors:)

  2. Hi Stacy!

    I think that holding students accountable for their learning is an important aspect of teaching. When students have a personal stake in their learning, they tend to be more motivated and engaged in that learning. This can be avery powerful tool. The GAME plan can assist in motivating students to learn. When they set their own personal learning goals for themselves they have a personal investment in their learning. Also, engaging students with technology integration in the classroom is a highly effective way to reach your students. Technology is everywhere and we all know that young people today are very interested in technology. Getting it in the classroom can helps students meet the NETS-S standards and get them engaged in their learning. The reflection on one's own learning can be difficult. When you model for students how this is accomplished it helps them to better understand the process. Reflection is a very important skill that will enable students to be successful 21st century learners.

  3. Students must be held accountable to become self-directed learners. Following their own GAME plan is an excellent way to teach them to be self-directed learners. Technology is everywhere and it will only grow, so students must meet the NETS-S standards to grow as students and flourish in society. Great job and good luck to you and your students!
